
960 grid, 178



flowchart, 144

persona, 18

site map, 108, 109

wireframe, 181–182

accountability, 3

actionable information, 49–50, 211–212, 275, 285

Adlin, Tamara, 45, 51

Adobe InDesign, 206

aesthetic elements, 179

affinity diagrams, 68

See also concept models

Anderson, Stephen P., 68, 76, 91

annotations, 194–197

application design, 163–164

artifacts. See design artifacts; diagrams

as-is state, 107

audience, 17

for competitive reviews, 263

for concept models, 65, 78–79

for flowcharts, 125, 143–144

for personas, 35, 45

for site maps, 95, 107

for usability plans, 266

for wireframes, 167, 183

audience profiles. See personas


Back of the Napkin, The (Roam), 251

backdrops, 77, 139

backgrounds/masters, 214


annotating, 196

interface, 196

persona, 40, 56

beta web sites, 286–287

blueprints. See wireframes

boundaries, 237–238, 245–246

branched relationship, 74

buy-in meetings, 53


callouts, 280

chapter-based introductions, 217

chapters in deliverables, 219–220

charitable donations, 127

Chisnell, Dana, 265, 277, 286

classification strategy, 107

clients, 8

presentations to, 22–32

relationship to, 9, 10, 11

collaboration, 9

comparing personas, 39, 47–48

comparison pages, 224

competitive framework, 255–256

competitive reviews, 254–263

audience for, 263

comparisons used in, 262–263

competitive framework in, 255–256, 261–262

conclusion pages in, 259–261

definition of, 254

methodology for, 263

organization of, 258–259

overview of, 255–256

presentation of, 256–258

competitor-driven story, 256–257

concept models, 64–92

affinity diagrams vs., 68

applying, 88–91

audience for, 65, 78–79

backdrops in, 77

biases in, 71

branched relationship in, 74

challenges of, 70–71

comparisons shown through, 75

concepts to include in, 79–80

context for, 65, 85

creation of, 77–83

definition of, 64

details described in, 73–74, 86

direct/indirect objects in, 74–75

exercises about, 92

expert advice about, 68, 91

feedback on, 87

format of, 65

highlighting design decisions for, 86

history of, 68

identifying implications of, 87

importance of, 91–92

layers of information in, 71–77

links in, 72–73

meeting about, 83–88

metadata in, 67, 90

metaphors used in, 76

mistakes presenting, 88

nodes in, 66, 72–73

overview of, 65, 66–67

presentation of, 83–88

purpose of, 65, 67, 78

rationale/constraints, 86

review framework for, 87

scale of, 65

screen designs and, 89

simplifying, 77, 82

site maps vs., 67, 96, 98, 119

skills for improving, 82–83

structures for, 80, 90–91

tips for crystal clear, 80–82

visual conventions for, 85

conception process, 226–227

concrete personas, 18

conflict resolution, 9

constraints, 24–26, 248–249

container assumption, 212


diagram, 17

sample, 174–176

site map, 96

content areas, 171

content rules, 196–197

content strategy, 106, 107–108

contents. See table of contents

context, 23

for concept models, 65, 85

for flowcharts, 125, 154, 155

for personas, 35, 54

for site maps, 95, 105–106, 114

for wireframes, 167, 181, 189, 198, 199

convergence, 82–83

conversation, 209–210

cover sheets, 220

Curtis, Nathan, 5, 122, 180, 205, 230


data-driven personas, 37, 39

decision pages, 224

decision points, 131–133

deliverables, 4, 204–231

actionability of, 211–212

artifacts vs., 225

assumptions about, 212–213

chapters used in, 219–220

choosing for projects, 7–8

client relations and, 10, 11

conversation encouraged by, 209–211

definition of, 204

design process and, 6–7

document metadata for, 214

exercises about, 231

expert advice on, 230

front matter in, 214–216

functional specifications for, 205–206

future of, 230–231

importance of reflecting on, 10–11

introduction in, 216–218

layouts used for, 222–224

lifecycle of, 226–230

multiple documents as, 206–207

next-steps statement in, 220–221

positioning decisions in, 211

presentation of, 225

project team and, 8–10

purposes defined in, 212

questions embedded in, 210–211

reasons for formalizing, 4

relationship of diagrams to, 5

sample structure of, 221

self-indulgent, 225

storytelling by, 207–209

strategies for producing, 206

summary page in, 216, 217

table of contents in, 210, 215–216

themes for, 207–208

title page in, 213–214

tools for creating, 5–6

version info for, 213, 214–215

demographic information, 43

demonstrations. See presentations

describing vs. doing, 10–11


behavior, 40

competitor, 263

persona, 56–58

design activities, 6–7

design artifacts

creating, 16–20

deliverables vs., 225

layers of, 15–16

See also diagrams

design briefs, 232–253

constraints summary in, 248–249

definition of, 232

design concept in, 244, 246–247

examples used in, 234–235

expert advice on, 242, 250

hierarchy of statements in, 236–237

level of effort spent on, 239–240

one-page summary in, 251–253

organization of, 243–244

overview of, 233

permitting changes to, 238

plans communicated in, 238

priorities communicated in, 240

project boundaries defined in, 237–238, 245–246

requirements summary in, 247–248

schedule of project in, 250–251

stating problems in, 233–234

tips for presenting, 241–243

tone setting via, 238–239

vision statements in, 244–245

design concept, 244, 246–247

design decisions, 24, 54, 86

design documents, 3

personas and, 60

See also specific types of documents

design patterns, 186

design principles, 25–26

design process

deliverables and, 6–7

personas and, 60–61

design reviews, 52–53, 56

design studios, 186–187

design systems, 174

design team, 8

details, 21, 26

in concept models, 73–74, 86

in flowcharts, 144, 150, 155–156

in personas, 55

in site maps, 115–116

in wireframes, 190, 191

Detzi, Chris, 287

diagrams, 5, 14

challenges in creating, 20–22

layers of information in, 15–16

making decisions about, 16–17

presenting to clients, 22–32

process for creating, 18–19

relationship of deliverables to, 5

risks/traps in creating, 19–20

tools for creating, 5–6

dimensions of personas, 39–40

discipline leads, 8

discussing design, 22–29

distinguishing features, 39

document metadata, 214


formalization of, 3–4

reasons for producing, 3

See also deliverables

dummy content, 175


ego, relinquishing, 31

EightShapes Unify templates, 206

elements library, 186

error scenarios, 139–140

evaluation pages, 222

examples in design briefs, 234–235

exclusive flow, 145

explanation pages, 222


Fahey, Chris, 142

“family resemblance” presentation, 53, 55

feedback, 27–28

on concept models, 87

on flowcharts, 152–153, 156–157

on personas, 56

on rough drafts, 19

on site maps, 116–117

on wireframes, 191–192, 194

fidelity of wireframes, 180–181

flowcharts, 124–164

application design and, 163–164

applying, 159–162

audience for, 125, 143–144

business processes and, 128

challenges of, 127

context for, 125, 154, 155

creation of, 142–152

crucial landmarks in, 146

decision points in, 131–133

definition of, 124

details described in, 144, 150, 155–156

error scenarios in, 139–140

exercises about, 164

expert advice about, 142, 161

feedback on, 152–153, 156–157

format of, 125

frameworks for, 148–149

grouping related steps in, 137–139

highlighting design decisions for, 155

identifying implications of, 156

importance of, 163–164

keeping up to date, 151–152

layers of information in, 128–141

meeting about, 152–159

mistakes presenting, 157–159

naming flows in, 133

overview of, 125, 126

paths in, 130–131, 137

personas and, 151, 162

presentation of, 152–159

purpose of, 125, 142–143

rationale/constraints, 155

review framework for, 157

scale of, 125

screen identifiers in, 141

simplifying, 147

site maps vs., 119, 126

skills for improving, 150–152

starting/ending points in, 129–130

steps in, 128–129, 134–137

structures for, 144–145

swimlanes in, 137–139

tips for fantastic, 146–149

visual conventions for, 146, 155

wireframes and, 134, 136, 159–160, 161

follow-through, 30

formal documentation, 4


of concept models, 65

of flowcharts, 125

of site maps, 95

format assumption, 212

frameworks, 148–149

front matter, 214–216

functional elements, 176–177

functional specifications, 205–206


Gantt charts, 250–251

grids, 177–178

grievances, airing of, 31


of pages on site maps, 103–104

of steps on flowcharts, 137–139


Handbook of Usability Testing, The (Rubin and Chisnell), 265

Hardee, Martin, 162

hierarchies, 9

design briefs and, 236–237

organizational politics and, 118–119

personas and, 46

site maps and, 100, 118–119


inclusive flow, 145

industry standards, 25


actionable, 49–50, 211–212, 275, 285

version, 213, 214–215

See also layers of information

insight, 3

institutional personas, 37, 39

interactive elements, 176–177

internal design teams, 10

introductions, 216–218, 223

isometric layout, 110–111


Kahn, Paul, 111



flow charts, 130

personas, 43

site maps, 118

wireframes, 174, 175

large-format printers, 161

late-breaking constraints, 249

layers of information, 15–16

in concept models, 71–77

in flowcharts, 128–141

in personas, 38–43

in site maps, 99–106

in wireframes, 170–179


for deliverables, 222–224

for site maps, 101–102, 110–111

for wireframes, 173–174

leadership, 9

Lenk, Krzysztof, 111

lifecycle of deliverables, 226–230

lines on flowcharts, 130–131


in concept models, 72–73, 82

in site maps, 100–101, 105

in wireframes, 196

logistical constraints, 249


maintenance, document, 229–230

Mapping Web Sites (Kahn and Lenk), 111

master pages, 214


buy-in, 53

challenges in, 29–31

establishing objectives for, 23

pausing for questions, 26

pre-meeting, 32

virtual, 32

See also presentations

Melzer, James, 110

mental models, 48–49

Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior (Young), 49

Merholz, Peter, 53

metadata, 67, 90

metaphors, 76

modular approach, 185

Modular Web Design (Curtis), 122, 180

moral-driven story, 257

motivations of users

flowcharts and, 140

personas and, 40

Mulder, Steve, 60


names, persona, 39

navigation models. See site maps

navigation strategy, 107

next-steps statement, 220–221


in concept models, 66, 72–73, 82

in site maps, 99–100, 103, 104, 105–106

Novak, Joseph D., 68



meeting, 23

persona, 40

project, 24

usability study, 265, 275

one-page summary, 251–253

on-the-fly wireframes, 199–200

open-ended questions, 271

operational implementation, 25, 27

design briefs and, 249

flowcharts and, 153

organizational politics, 118–119

organizational standards, 25

org-chart-like site maps, 101, 102

orthogonal lines, 131

overlays, 280


pages on site maps, 99–100

groups of pages, 99, 103–104

page details/distinctions, 102–103

pain points, 41

Particular-General-Particular (PGP) approach, 26

paths on flowcharts, 130–131, 137

people, personas as, 56–57

perpetual beta, 286–287

personal background info, 42–43

personas, 34–62

applying, 59–61

audience for, 35, 45

challenges of, 37–38

clarifying, 51–52

comparisons between, 47–48

context for, 35, 54

creation of, 43–50

definition of, 34

demographic info in, 43

describing to clients, 56–58

design documents and, 60

design process and, 60–61

design reviews and, 52–53

dimensions of, 39–40

distinguishing features in, 39

exercises about, 62

expert advice about, 45, 51, 60

expressing concerns of, 41

feedback on, 56

flowcharts and, 151, 162

framing as questions, 45

highlighting design decisions for, 54

identifying implications of, 55–56

incorporating into other diagrams, 61

layers of information in, 38–43

meeting about, 51–59

mental models in, 48–49

mistakes presenting, 58–59

names for, 39

objectives of, 40

overview of, 35, 36–37

personal background info in, 42–43

photographs used in, 43

planning for, 18

presenting to clients, 51–59

purposes of, 35, 44

quotes in, 42

rationale/constraints, 54–55

relationships between, 46–47

review process and, 52–53, 56

scale of, 35

scenarios in, 41–42

selling to clients, 53

skills for improving, 49–50

starting point for, 45

summary page for, 46

system features and, 43

technology comfort level and, 43

timeline for, 44

visual conventions for, 54

perspective, maintaining, 257

photos of personas, 43

“pick your battles” strategy, 10

planning process

design briefs and, 238

diagram creation and, 20

flowcharts and, 159

site maps and, 119–121

wireframes and, 183–185

Plante, Nick, 70

politics, 10, 118–119

posters of personas, 50

pre-meeting meetings, 32

presentations, 22–32

of competitive reviews, 256–258

of concept models, 83–88

of deliverables, 225

of design briefs, 241–243

of flowcharts, 152–159

of personas, 51–59

of site maps, 112–119

of usability plans, 266–267

of usability reports, 276–278

of wireframes, 187–194

See also meetings

Prince-Ramus, Joshua, 238

printers, large-format, 161


design briefs and, 240–241

personas and, 55

wireframes and, 171–173, 178–179

problem statement, 233–234

procedural personas, 37, 39

process charts. See flowcharts

progress matrix, 239

progressive relationships, 46

project boundaries, 237–238, 245–246

project management, 106

project manager, 8

project objectives, 24

project parameters, 24

project schedule, 217, 218, 250–251

project team, 8–10

project-based introductions, 217, 218

prototyping, 198–199

Prototyping: A Practitioner’s Guide (Zaki Warfel), 198

purposes, 16

of competitive reviews, 255

of concept models, 65, 67–68, 78

of deliverables, 212

of design artifacts, 16

of flowcharts, 125

of personas, 35, 44

of site maps, 95, 107

of usability reports, 276

of wireframes, 167, 181, 182, 183



embedded in deliverables, 210–211

pausing meetings for, 26

personas framed as, 45

usability test, 269–271

quotes in personas, 42


rationale, 24–26, 258

referencing sources, 50


branched, 74

persona, 46–47

requirements summary, 247–248


challenge of, 38

concept model, 81

persona, 50, 54, 59

respect for clients/users, 9

risks in diagram creation, 19–20

Roam, Dan, 251

roles on project teams, 8

rough drafts, 19

Rubin, Jeffrey, 265


sample content, 174–176


of concept models, 65

of flowcharts, 125

of personas, 35

of site maps, 95

of wireframes, 167, 179–180


persona, 41–42

resource on writing, 265

usability plan, 265, 269–270

wireframe, 184–185, 199

schedules, project, 217, 218, 250–251

schematics. See wireframes

Scofield, Ben, 70


of design projects, 245–246

of flowcharts, 144

scope creep, 266–267

scores, competitor, 262

screeners, 272


concepts as, 89

flowchart steps vs., 129

identifiers for, 141

wireframe, 173

severity ratings, 281

site maps, 94–123

applying, 119–121

audience for, 95, 107

challenges of, 98–99

concept models vs., 67, 96, 98, 119

content strategy for, 106, 107–108

context for, 95, 105–106, 114

creation of, 106–112

definition of, 94

details described in, 115–116

embellishments to, 103, 108

exercises about, 123

expert advice about, 104, 110, 114

feedback on, 116–117

flowcharts vs., 119, 126

format of, 95

hierarchies in, 100

highlighting design decisions for, 115

identifying implications of, 116

isometric layout for, 110–111

labels used in, 118

layers of information in, 99–106

layouts of, 101–102, 110–111

levels of abstraction in, 108, 109

links in, 100–101, 105

maximum number of levels in, 98

meeting about, 112–119

mistakes presenting, 117–119

nodes in, 99–100, 103, 104, 105–106

online vs. design artifact, 96

oversimplifying, 112

overview of, 95, 96–97

pages in, 99–100, 102–104

planning projects using, 119–121

presentation of, 112–119

project management and, 106

purpose of, 95, 107

rationale/constraints, 115

review framework for, 117

scale of, 95

separating parts of, 111

skills for improving, 111–112

tips for stellar, 110–111

user needs and, 106

visual conventions for, 111, 112, 115

web projects and, 122

wireframes and, 121

sketching wireframes, 183, 184

small multiples framework, 262, 263

Spencer, Donna, 104, 114

stakeholders, 8

states, 176, 197

steps on flowcharts, 128–129, 134–137

storytelling, 207–208

strawman designs, 141

structural models. See site maps

summary page, 216, 217

swimlanes, 137–139

symbolic content, 175


table of contents, 210, 215–216

for competitive reviews, 258

for design briefs, 243

for usability plans, 267

for usability reports, 279

taxonomies. See site maps

team dynamics, 8–9

technical implementation, 25, 27

design briefs and, 248

flowcharts and, 153

site maps and, 115

technology comfort level, 43

templates, 100

testing process. See usability testing

themes, 207–208, 280

thumbnails, 135, 137

timelines, 44, 250

timing decisions, 16–17

title page, 213–214

to-be state, 107

traceability, 3

trading cards of personas, 50

transparency, 9

triggers, 137

Tufte, Edward, 26, 262


Unger, Ross, 242, 250

usability plans, 264–273

audience for, 266

definition of, 264

issues and controversies, 267

objectives of, 265, 273

organizing, 267

overview of, 265–267

presentation of, 266–267

recruitment info in, 272

scenarios in, 265, 269–270

summarizing info in, 267–268

test logistics in, 271

usability reports, 274–288

challenges of, 275

definition of, 274

evolution of, 286–287

exercise on developing, 288

expert advice on, 277, 286

methodology described in, 278, 284–285

objectives of, 275–276

observations reported in, 277, 280–282

organization of, 279–280

overview of, 275

participant profiles in, 285–286, 287

presentation of, 276–278

prioritized results in, 276

purpose of, 276

recommendations made in, 283–284, 285

recruitment info in, 287

severity ratings in, 281

summary and analysis in, 282, 283

supporting content in, 284–286

turnaround time for, 277

web search about, 278

usability testing

future of, 286–287

logistics of, 271

moderator for, 266, 269

questions for, 269–271

recruiting for, 272

wireframes and, 198–199

user flows. See flowcharts

user profiles. See personas

user research, 24

user role definitions. See personas

user-centered design, 9, 24


version history, 214–215

version numbers, 213

virtual meetings, 32

vision, consistency of, 3

vision statements, 244–245

visual conventions, 23

for concept models, 85

for flowcharts, 146, 155

for personas, 54

for site maps, 111, 112, 115

Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Tufte), 262


web-like site maps, 101–102

whiteboard approach, 26

wireflows, 134, 136, 161, 162

wireframes, 166–201

abstracted content in, 181–182

aesthetic elements in, 179

annotations in, 194–197

applying, 194–200

audience for, 167, 183

challenges of, 169–170

connecting to other deliverables, 198

content areas in, 171

context for, 167, 181, 189, 198, 199

creation of, 179–187

definition of, 166

depth of, 182

details described in, 190, 191

elements library for, 186

exercises about, 201

feedback on, 191–192, 194

fidelity of, 180–181

flowcharts and, 134, 136, 159–160, 161

format of, 167, 200

functional elements in, 176–177

grids in, 177–178

highlighting design decisions for, 190

identifying implications of, 190–191

importance of, 200–201

labels used in, 174, 175

layers of information in, 170–179

layout for, 173–174

meeting about, 187–194

mistakes presenting, 192–194

modular approach to, 185

on-the-fly, 199–200

overview of, 167, 168–169

planning process for, 183–185

presentation of, 187–194

priority of content in, 171–173, 178–179

prototyping with, 198–199

purposes of, 167, 181, 182, 183

rationale/constraints, 190

review framework for, 192

sample content in, 174–176

scale of, 167, 179–180

scenarios used in, 184–185, 199

screen identifier for, 173

site maps and, 121

sketching, 183, 184

skills for improving, 185–187

styles used for, 178–179, 186

tips for wicked, 183–185

visual conventions for, 189–190


yes-no values, 262

Young, Indi, 49


Zaki Warfel, Todd, 37, 198
